I used Nina's counseling offer because at that time I had the personal challenge of being overwhelmed with myself and could not find a solution for myself in dealing with other people. I was also only able to communicate my personal boundaries in an impulsive way. I was running away from issues at the time, but I didn't know where to go. My relationship with my boyfriend at the time was a big motivation to work on myself.

Nina was immediately very clear in her communication about the course of the sessions. After our first session, I found that Nina gave the right impulses, so that I thought about many topics, questioned them and also took a closer look. I found Nina's questions "tough" but still just right to actively change my situation.

Nina's calmness and active listening are to be appreciated, as well as her talent for organizing thoughts and deciphering issues where I have seen no or only one personality- changing way out. She also has a very caring nature, but can also be very clear and direct in her statements when necessary. Nina had the patience to talk through issues with me again and again. Her manner and knowledge helped me to see many things from a new point of view. I have learned to love myself more, to be gentler and more compassionate towards myself. Nina's exercises and meditations can be used every day.
I also appreciate her honest and authentic nature in our conversations and would describe her as clear, open, inquisitive (incredibly wise).

I now have a better understanding of myself, my feelings and my past. Through Nina I have learned how to treat myself with self-love and compassion and that I can stand up for my needs. Understanding and being able to put my childhood and my role in my family into perspective has given me a lot of understanding as to why I often treat people in a certain way. This understanding has enabled me to change certain ways of acting and to live more in the present. I have the feeling that I lead a more conscious life and feel more alive with all my feelings.

I am more than grateful to Nina for her personality and her realization of the session, because they have changed me permanently and I now feel more like myself. Thanks to Nina, I was able to overcome some difficult times in my life.


– Lydia, Repat in Germany, 34 Jahre

I was at a point where I was no longer happy with my personal life and couldn't go any further. I was trapped in my patterns and behaviors (as I only realized later through Nina). My relationships were characterized by drama and pain. I could no longer cope with these constant disappointments and self-doubt. I had two options: to stop dating or to get outside help. I opted for the latter and, spoiler alert – it was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I have never invested my money more wisely than in Nina and working on myself. The only thing I regret is not having taken this step earlier, because it has significantly improved my life and changed it for the better.

For a long time, I looked for the fault for the things that happened in me or always blamed myself. By working with Nina and on myself, I was finally able to realize that all these things had nothing to do with me and my worth. I was able to change my perspective on things and my whole attitude and energy changed, which also changed my whole situation. I was suddenly able to reflect on myself and the events, recognized my patterns as they emerged and was able to react better to situations and difficult thoughts thanks to this insight. I am now able to approach situations with distance and more rationally and only very rarely question my own worth. The old ways of thinking and some patterns still come up from time to time but, as I also learned from Nina, this is completely normal and okay. I treat myself more kindly and with more understanding. Nina is a little voice in my head and in some situations this voice supports me and helps me to remember these things.

I would recommend Nina's counseling service without hesitation (and have already recommended it to my nearest and dearest). With her gentle, emphatic and understanding manner, Nina has changed my view of myself and my environment for the better, and thanks to her I can cope with many things more easily.

– Linda, 33 Jahre

The counseling sessions with Nina helped me a lot and made me much more satisfied. I've become more balanced and can see bad feelings more calmly again. She was able to get to the heart of my problems very well. I feel understood by her and well supported by her empathic and caring attitude, even with difficult issues. I am very happy to have worked with her.

– female client, 28 years old

I made use of Nina's counseling service because I found myself in a difficult personal situation (first the nervousness/thought carousel regarding a job interview, then the existing decision problem to move to X yes/no... finally my concern with a sometimes difficult behavior).

By working together, I am definitely more relaxed and more oriented in many ways, as I was able to take a lot away from our discussions. For one thing, the decision I made already feels very good. On the other hand, thanks to Nina's methods (e.g. decision point, defusing thoughts/feelings... audio file, etc.) my behavior has pretty much normalized. Surprisingly, for the first time in my life, I find it quite easy to implement permanently.

I have already recommended Nina's offer several times and will continue to do so 🙂 Because it really helped me a lot and I find Nina's advice and methods solution-oriented, future-oriented, plausible and easy to implement! The appointments with Nina have really changed a lot in my life for the better. And if I ever find myself in a stressful situation again, I will certainly turn to Nina again.

– female client, 35 years old

I recommend Nina's counseling service because it helped me a lot. I have learned to understand what makes up my thoughts and feelings and how I can deal with them better. I also learned that it is very positive to be in the moment, in the here and now, and therefore to ruminate less, which was very useful for me. I felt very much heard and seen. I am very pleased that I came across Nina and this type of therapy (ACT), as the approach and implementation did me a lot of good and I have the heartfelt feeling that many of the values/approaches conveyed by the therapy approach are very valuable."

– female client, 18 years old

Our last conversation really helped me cope with my feelings better.                                                  

– German expat in Asia, 37 years old

I took up Nina's counseling offer because I felt increasingly restricted by my rumination . When I read her blog post about ruminating, which addressed exactly my problems, I wanted to give it a try.
Another point was that dealing with mental health (possibly especially in my professional field) made me feel insecure, which is why I looked for an offer that I would finance myself and that would therefore appear in my medical records.

Nina's calm, honest and appreciative manner quickly made me feel at ease. Through the sessions I have learned to distance myself from my thoughts. Particularly helpful for me were the various tools/exercises with which I learned to perceive situations differently and to better control and accept my thoughts; and Nina's non-judgmental approach. My awareness and perception of myself and others has become more positive and sharpened. I think I can enjoy moments more because I'm not in my head so much anymore.. I also get out of the maelstrom of rumination faster/better.

I would definitely recommend the counseling service to others, as it can be easily integrated into everyday life because it takes place online (even though I was initially skeptical about this point in particular). I also think it's great how Nina can share small successes with me.

– female client, 32 years old

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