In this in-depth video you will learn more about my approach, my way of working and my personal journey as a psychologist. Watch the video to get a deeper insight into my practice.

about nina uffelmann

My way of working

In my psychological counselling, I only use techniques that have been scientifically proven to be effective. These include techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and person-centered approach. Using methods from person-centered approach, I look at your needs, among other things. Behaviorally, we take a close look at your actions, when you show them and what influence they have on your life. 

ACT represents an important element of my work. On the one hand, ACT is about learning to accept things that are not within your own sphere of influence, to be open and present, and at the same time to shape your own life in an active and value-driven way. For this purpose I teach you techniques for implementation. I am also constantly undergoing further training and supervision. You can learn more about my way of working here.


since 2020

Psychological counselling and coaching online for private individuals, couples and in the context of employer-sponsored counselling


Gottman Method Couples Therapy: Level I und II

2017 – 2021

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, specializing in cognitive neuropsychology and clinical psychology. University degree: Master of Science in Psychology, passed with distinction

2020 – 2021

Academy for Scientific Continuing Education: Person-Centered Interviewing

2020, 2022 & 2023

Trainings in ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy)


German Society for Positive Psychology: Strong through the crisis

2012 – 2017

University of Trier, studies in psychology. University degree: Bachelor of Science.

2014 – 2015

Universidad Santiago de Compostela (Spanien), Psicologia (Bachelor)



If you would like to get to know me in video format, you can also watch this documentation, where I could take part. It's more about surfing in the northern hemispheres than psychology, but nevertheless, you may get a better feel for whether or not you like me as a person and potential companion.